
Software Testing @Bosch

A customer can interact with a Bosch appliance, such as a water boiler, via a Human-Machine Interface (HMI), like the segment LCD display – HMI300. But how does one test the operating software of such a module? Given the relative complexity of its associated state machine, thorough manual testing covering all possible screens or transitions is not feasible. Moreover, a simulated environment may not capture visual artifacts that might compromise the user experience. Hence, we developed the HMEye: a computer vision system that allows for automated and thorough on-target validation of segment LCD screens. This system can dynamically and interactively check the icons displayed according to the system variables and settings. After characterizing the segment LCD displays under test, we will present the vision algorithm and its results. Afterwards, a working demo of the HMEye will be shown.

In addition, on this presentation we will talk about Dicentis that is a conference solution for parliaments, city councils, meeting rooms and convention centers. With the addition of Hybrid Meetings and its web front-end, new testing requirements have arisen and a new difficulties emerged. We will describe our challenges and show how we automated our tests and what is on our pipeline for further improvements.


16 janeiro 2025


Sede Bosch Termotecnologia
@ Aveiro


17h00 – 18h30



16 janeiro 2025


Sede Bosch Termotecnologia
@ Aveiro


17h00 – 18h30



Cipriano Oliveira

Chefe de Equipa de Teste de Software na Bosch há 2 anos; conta com 19 anos de experiência em Desenvolvimento de Software para a Indústria, Retalho e Banca de Investimento e Serviços.

Gonçalo Nunes

Embedded Software Tester há 2 anos na Bosch, Gonçalo é natural de Aveiro e tem um Mestrado em Engenharia Física.

Inscrições Abertas até 14 janeiro 2025