Do you have any doubts?


If you can't find an answer to your question(s), please do not hesitate to contact us at

At PSTQByou can take all ISTQB® Certifications. However, we suggest that you consult our Certifications page for detailed information, such as: prerequisites, values, flyers and documents to support independent study.

PSTQB offers all its Exams in English, German and French. However, the ISTQB® CT Foundation Exam Level is also available in Portuguese (from Portugal).

Yes, the ISTQB® Certification Exams do not require you to attend an Accredited Training Course beforehand.
You can apply for the Exam, after doing some independent study.

On the Certifications page of our website, you can find the supporting Syllabus for each Certification level.
You can also consult the official ISTQB® website ( and take the available Training Exams.

Note: We do not recommend taking Training Exams that are not made available by ISTQB®, otherwise the subject matter being assessed will not conform to the parameters set for the Final Exam.

There are currently no Portuguese language training exams.

A PSTQB allows you to take the ISTQB® Certification Exams remotely/online, as well as in person at your premises.

You can register in two different ways:

  1. By filling out the online form;

Yes. All Members PSTQB can enjoy a direct discount of €10 (plus VAT) on all ISTQB® Exams and Certifications.

PSTQB accepts payments via bank transfer, ATM reference and credit cards.

You can. Note that vouchers have to be used in the same calendar year in which they are paid.
PSTQB will issue and send the voucher, after confirmation of the respective payment.

Payment for the Exam(s) must be made at the time the application is completed.
Examination requests that are not paid for at the time the application is submitted will be disregarded immediately.

The date and time of the ISTQB® Certification Exams are entirely up to the Candidates, who can choose between remote/online and face-to-face modalities. However, PSTQB validate their choices and availability.

Note: ISTQB® Certification Exams ISTQB® Certification Exams taken remotely/online can be scheduled on the following days: Monday and Friday, from 9am to 4pm. ISTQB® Certification Exams taken in person are subject to availability as shown on the registration form.


The Exams can be scheduled at least 5 (five) days before the desired date.

For better clarification, we suggest a careful reading of the SSupport Guide to Online Exams.

Yes. PSTQB assures a close and personalized follow up of the Candidate, during the whole certification process.

The result of the Exam is shown, after you finish taking your Exam. (Unless you choose not to see it.)
Confirmation of the result and sending of the certificate are made by e-mail, to the address you indicated in the Registration Form, up to 48 working hours after finishing your Exam.

Yes. PSTQB is, in short, the representative of ISTQB® in Portugal, and all Certificates issued are valid anywhere in the world.

By default, the Certificates are issued automatically in Portuguese and in English.
Should the Candidate wish to have his/her Certificate in another language, he/she should request it from PSTQB.

The cancellation or postponement without associated costs, is subject to the presentation of the respective justification and subsequent case-by-case analysis by the Exams Directorate of the PSTQB.

These are grounds for absence relief:

  1. Duly proven infectious disease;
  2. Childbirth period, as well as prenatal appointments and breastfeeding;
  3. Maternity or paternity leave;
  4. Sickness assistance to descendants and first-degree ascendants, as well as to the spouse or unmarried partner;
  5. Appearance in Court or any other similar Instance;
  6. Attendance at the National Defense Day;
  7. Death of a 1st and 2nd degree relative;
  8. Disease;
  9. Hospitalization or surgery, and subsequent convalescence period.

Any other justification will be subject to the respective case-by-case analysis by the Exams Directorate of the PSTQB.

Yes, the payment must be duly made to the PSTQB.
If you cancel your exam, you can only reschedule it 3 (three) months after the date you canceled it. If you choose to reschedule your exam within three months of cancelling it, it will be considered a rescheduling and will fall under the previous number (19.) of the F.A.Q.

After missing without prior notice, you may justify your absence up to five (5) working days after the day on which your ISTQB® Certification Exam was scheduled.
The justification must be sent to the email address
If no justification is sent within the time limit indicated above, it is considered an unjustified absence and any amount already paid will not be refunded. New registrations will have to be settled again.

PSTQBdoes not conduct training activities, but collaborates with the following entities that it recommends for ISTQB® training: