7 Key Trends in Test Automation

When looking at current automation trends and how they will continue into the future, it is important to remember that the quality of any software product depends on the quality of its software testing. This is an integral part of the software development process, and in recent years, it has become easier, more reliable, and more comprehensive for software testers to do their jobs.
This article discusses the major current trends shaping software testing, as well as predicts those that will continue into the future.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its prominent mark in today's digitized world. According to the Statista website, the AI software market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, reaching about $126 billion by 2025.
To improve testing processes, software testing trends incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. An AI algorithm, for example, generates test cases, and ML techniques are used to identify patterns and anomalies in the test data.

Using IoT Testing for Intelligent Devices and Systems

As the popularity of the "Internet of Things" increases, software testers are shifting to IoT testing - a network of interconnected physical objects that allows them to collect and exchange data.
As the number of IoT devices increases, functional testing and security testing have become essential to confirm that these devices are working effortlessly. Their goal is to verify that IoT devices and systems work as expected.

RPA Test

RPA, robotic process automation, is a software technology that provides an easy way to create, implement and manage software robots that mimic human actions when interacting with digital systems. It thus allows humans to focus on higher-value tasks, freeing them from performing repetitive tasks.
Automated RPA testing ensures that these systems are working effectively and meet user requirements: it improves efficiency, reduces costs, and decreases errors.
In addition, as RPA systems are used in the healthcare and finance sectors, the need for their effectiveness and reliability has increased.

Multi-Device Testing for Smarter Test Automation

Everyone has multiple devices connected to each other all the time, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and home devices. Therefore, multi-device testing is performed to ensure that the application works effectively on each connected device.
Multi-device testing ensures that the application works correctly in terms of size, shape, and operating system. As the use of various devices increases, the opportunity to perform multi-device testing increases. There are many quality control automation testing services that offer multi-device testing to test multiple devices and browsers simultaneously, reducing the overall time and effort required for testing.
In addition, mobile application testing services ensure that the mobile application is compatible with all devices and operating systems.

Blockchain Testing for Greater Security and Performance

Blockchain is the latest trend of the decade, with the growing popularity of digital currency and NFTs, most companies have started adopting the technology. Along with its growing popularity, blockchain brings security threats.
Today, cybersecurity has become a global issue, so to ensure the security of your blockchain-based application, blockchain testing is essential. These ensure that your application is secure and the products are reliable by locating and fixing various problems such as: compatibility issues, security breaches or any other aspect that affects its functionality. Thus, many blockchain-based companies insist on having their application tested with blockchain tests to improve security and performance.

Transforming Test Automation with Chatbots

Chatbots are sophisticated tools that talk to customers about any of their questions at any time of the day. In addition to interacting with customers, they handle requests and provide all the information customers need. Their integration with artificial intelligence and natural language helps companies facilitate interaction with consumers. With automation testing, chatbots can improve and optimize the testing process. Chatbots easily speed up the testing process as they automate routine tasks, allowing testers to focus on important tasks.

Data Testing

Online business is heavily dependent on data, therefore conducting data testing with automation and specific tools enables testers to handle the complexity of large volumes of data. Data testing includes verifying data pipelines and processing application that has a large amount of data in various formats, data storage, consumption, processing, modeling and visualization.
Data testing ensures quality, accuracy and consistency, and with the growth of the industry, most companies want to ensure data authenticity, making data testing a growing factor in automated testing.

The continuation of the original article via EuroSTAR Huddle can be read here.